The People's Chemist Foundational Health Education

Shortcut Answers to the Biggest Health Problems


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| Are you Confused about What it Means to be Vibrantly Healthy? |

If you understand that "without health you have nothing" and that the current drug-based model of health isn't working then pay close attention. I'm about to give you shortcut answers to the biggest health problems like obesity, heart disease, insulin resistance, diabetes and more. To protect pharmaceutical profits, these answers are often hidden from the public.

    “Real profit [in medicine] is made not by controlling chronic diseases...but by treating their many complications.” – The New York Times, 2006

    “The system encourages people to get sick and then people get paid to treat them.”
    – Dr. Matthew Fink, Beth Israel Hospital, The New York Times, 2006

Who is The People's Chemist?

For as long as I can remember, I have had a keen interest in longevity and human performance at the molecular level – not at the drug pushing level (i.e. disease control level) that most health professionals seem to hover at. My interest has motivated a successful career in academics and the pharmaceutical industry.

As an undergraduate, I was a two-time recipient of the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Grant for my research in biochemistry and physiology. As a chemist in graduate school and industry, I specialized in the design and synthesis of amino acids, peptides as well as hormone replacement and anti-cancer drugs. This combined experience gave me access to unique and cutting edge research that has proven to be an invaluable resource for obtaining real answers to the biggest health problems. I have authored Health Myths Exposed, The Hidden Truth about Cholesterol Lowering Drugs and recently co-authored 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health with Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Julian Whitaker. I've been a guest lecturer at major universities and corporations such as British Petroleum and appeared in the award-winning documentary by Gary Null and Associates entitled Prescription for Disaster.

My experience has shown that you don't need to choke down prescription drugs or a handful of supplements to live young. Nor do you have to adhere to rigorous workouts or rigid eating plans! As long as you understand the principles taught in my Foundational Health Education and incorporate my teachings into your lifestyle, you can still enjoy your favorite glass (or bottle) of wine or succulent chocolate while adding years to your life and life to your years.

Massive Confusion

Massive confusion exists about what it means to be healthy:

  • The average Joe is looking to vitamins and supplements to increase health - and erection. But what works? How much is Joe supposed to take and when? Are they really safe? Can he mix them with other supplements? Will they make Joe fart at the dinner table?

  • There are more diet books than fat people. Is it low carb? No carb? Low fat? No Fat? High healthy fat? Or protein, protein, and protein? What are the facts? And what is the absolute most simple and effective way to lose fat while building sexy, life-sustaining muscle?

  • Most pets eat better than pet owners thanks to man-made food additives and artificial flavors. What are they and how can you avoid them?

  • Drug giants are pushing cholesterol-lowering drugs to grandpa and his grandchildren! Do they prevent heart-attack or are they silent killers like Vioxx and Avandia? Do natural methods for avoiding premature heart attack and stroke exist?

  • Blood sugar is rising faster than your doctor can prescribe Lipitor. The use of anti-diabetic drugs are at an all-time high, and so are their deadly side effects! Can type II diabetes be reversed naturally?

  • Fast food chains are abandoning trans-fats faster than passengers "de-shipped" from the Titanic. But what are they replacing them with? Are the alternatives safer?

  • Children are now being stabbed 3 times more often with vaccines compared to their parents! Can they really handle all of the injections? Are they healthier for it? Is it possible to boost immunity naturally?

Lack of Answers Leads to Early Death

Massive health confusion is not inexplicable. We are not taught about it in school. Instead, vaccines are forced upon us. We are not taught about it by our doctors. Instead, drugs are pushed upon us. And we are not taught about health by governments. Instead, drug discounts are handed to us. This lack of health education comes at a cost. That cost is a tremendous amount of mental and physical resources due to unnecessary illness.

The Healthcare System is a Disastrous Failure

The United States ranks 12th among the top 13 countries in the health of its citizens. At least eighty percent of seniors have at least one chronic disease and fifty percent have at least two. Relative to children in other industrialized countries, the health of U.S. children is worse in virtually every category. One in three born in the year 2000 will suffer from type II diabetes. An estimated 11 to 20 years will be erased from their life span!

Genetics are often blamed for the health crisis. This is more evidence that the general public is confused and misinformed.

"The major causes of diseases in our country -- cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes -- are not genetic factors, as so many people believe and use as an excuse, but diets and lifestyle factors. We have documented that unhealthy diet and lifestyle account for more than 80 percent of heart disease, 90 percent of type II diabetes, and more than 70 percent of stroke and colon cancer." - Harvard School of Public Health

As health deteriorates confusion builds. Confusion leads to fear. Fear leads to prescription drug use. And prescription drug use inevitably leads to the "prescription drug trap."

The Prescription Drug Trap

The prescription drug trap is deadlier than any virus, illicit drug, and terrorism combined. Well-documented in scientific journals and reported by media outlets nationwide, FDA approved drugs are killing an estimated 106,000 people every year. That equates to one individual dying every five minutes from “approved” drugs - 300 people dying every day. Which is twice as many deaths in a single year from "approved drugs" as the total number of U.S. deaths from the Vietnam War. This does not count death by hospital medical error, which adds 98,000 deaths to the atrocity. If not killed, an estimated 2 million people are victims of drug-induced illnesses. These may include drug-induced obesity, cancer, kidney disease, autism, depression and heart failure. A life that should be filled with greatness and reward is anchored to mediocrity – at best – thanks to the prescription drug trap. It doesn't’t have to be like this.

“The agency [the FDA] neglects safety in its rush to speed the drug-approval process because current laws and policies let the drug industry influence the FDA.”
- Paul Stolley, MD, MPH, former senior consultant to the FDA

Solutions to a failed health care system are abundant, but not practical. The idea of a "universal health care system" is gaining in popularity. However, this will simply take power away from greedy drug companies and give it to bureaucrats at the expense of tax payers. It's like asking, "Do you want to be hit over the head with a wooden or aluminum baseball bat?" Either way, more dangerous drugs will be forced upon the general public. The only solution to a failed health care system is "emancipation from medication." This will only come through self education and the use of natural medicine.

The People's Chemist Foundational Health Education

My Foundational Health Education gives shortcut answers to the confusion. It is what you have been missing your entire life: real answers to real health problems. No hype, no gimmicks, no empty promises and no boring reading! Science jargon has been kept at an all-time low! As you go from health bozo to health genius you won't know whether to laugh or cry as you learn about hidden health secrets and the outlandish medical industry.

The People's Chemist Foundational Health Education includes an entire series of instantly downloaded education, health advice and LIFETIME access to my Natural Cures Review database:

  • 10 Deadly Health Myths: How Western Medicine Undermines Your Health! - $14.95

    "Health Myths Exposed is a must for anyone that wants to share the truth about our present day healthcare system. It is presented in a concise, coherent and persuasive manner. His attention to research makes it impossible to dismiss as hearsay."

    - Dan Murphy DC
    Vice President International Chiropractors Association

    Reintroducing education, therapeutic nutrition, and choice to health care, Health Myths Exposed has liberated thousands of courageous and forward-thinking individuals. The general public as well as health-care leaders have used Health Myths Exposed to resist the current of greed that strives to push them toward prescription drug servitude. The end result has been health freedom - a vibrantly healthy life independent of prescription drugs.

  • Hidden Cholesterol Facts- Beat Heart Disease NATURALLY - $9.95

    "Are you afraid of fat and cholesterol?
    Then read Shane Ellison´s brilliant review,
    based on the scientific facts, not on the
    distorted messages from the National Cholesterol Education Program."

    - Uffe Ravnskov M.D. Ph.D Author Cholesterol Myths

    Do you think that everyone should have the exact same cholesterol levels? Do you think saturated fat is poison? Do you think that LDL-cholesterol is "bad cholesterol?" If so, you better start making an investment into your health and learn what scientific evidence has uncovered! My Hidden Truths book will enlighten and shock you all at the same time. Don't buy it if your not ready to flush your drugs down the toilet and learn about the REAL cause of heart disease.

  • 10 Habits that CURE Obesity in 90 Days - Forever - $19.95

    My AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery will teach you about purported fat loss drugs, supplements, workouts, grocery store fat traps and what it really means to eat properly. If you are 20 to 150lbs overweight plan on losing 1-5 pounds per week on this plan! It has proven so effective that even type II diabetics have been able to melt fat, build muscle and even abandon their medications while adhering to the ten habits for automatic fat loss outlined in the book. The pictures speak for themselves (note: last photo of "Frank" is after 1 year):

  • PREMIERE Membership Access to my Natural Cures Review Database - $50 VALUE - FREE! LIMITED TIME PROMOTIONAL OFFER!

    "Shane Ellison is one of the most important new voices in America helping to put the "health" back in health care. He is uniquely suited to this task with his background in the pharmaceutical and nutritional sciences. Shane shares health perspectives with both common sense and a passion that inspires all who hear the message to change their lives for the better!"

    - Robert Scott Bell Show, Nationally syndicated by Talk Radio Network,

    The Natural Cures Review is my members only area. It provides a review of nutritional supplements that are currently being sold. It is designed to ensure that consumers are able to make educated decisions surrounding the use of natural medicine. Vitally important topics such as safety, effectiveness and scientific validation are discussed. From all out supplement scams, to testosterone boosters to rainforest cancer cures, I cover it all. And to ensure that I am giving you the absolute best information, I work with a team of scientists to ensure accuracy. Never again will you wonder if you are wasting your money or taking the right dose of a given supplement. You can use this database as a constant source of supplement information. It is updated regularly with new product reviews.

My Guarantee

My People's Chemist Foundational Health Education is so important to your livelihood and longevity that I'm offering it with an unheard of guarantee:

    "If you are not 100% satisfied with my People's Chemist Foundational Health Education I will buy it back and BUY YOU a health related book of your choice FROM AMAZON!" You will have 8 weeks to decide.

Cost of Your Health Investment

Total Price: Only $44.85 YOU SAVE $50.00!

Why Am I So Confident about my People's Chemist Foundational Health Education?

I initially researched and compiled this information so my own family could live naturally healthy for life - without the hassles of modern medicine. Today, we live young naturally, and have a myriad of natural remedies and simple answers to the biggest health issues. That is what I call health freedom. No fear of heart disease. No fear of obesity. No fear of diabetes. No fear of arthritis. And no fear of flu or any other infectious disease. As I began to teach others, I saw amazing changes in them too. People were getting off drugs and questioning their doctors! They began to shed fat. Many even reversed type II diabetes! Parents were learning how their children should eat while avoiding all the nasty vaccines and meds that are often administered! It goes on and on. I know you'll have the same "WOW" moment when you learn the hidden truths found in my Foundational Health Education. Thus, experience gives me the confidence to offer such a great deal with such a fantastic guarantee.

"Hi, I appreciated your advice for my son Charles, he was diagnosed with ADHD and the doctors wanted him to go on ritalin but he is only 5 years old. I have been using the natural products [and eating plans] you advised and they are working no less than a miracle"

-Charles and Kathy

"In January 2005, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My doctors recommended that I immediately take part in the standard cancer treatment protocol. My chiropractor suggested I read Health Myths Exposed (part of the Foundational Health Education). I began making the suggested lifestyle changes and implemented an individualized nutritional supplement protocol outlined in Shane's book. The protocol could rightfully be termed nutritional chemotherapy. My life was changed forever. The lifestyle changes and nutritional protocol worked. By April of 2005, a mammogram and sonogram showed my breasts to be cancer free! Now, in 2007, I'm still doing GREAT!"

- Karen

Begin Living Young Now!


Only $44.85 YOU SAVE $50.00!

If you've ever popped an aspirin, wondered how to lose that belly fat, been diagnosed with high-cholesterol, allowed the pediatrician to stab your kids with a vaccine, feared type II diabetes or "asked your doctor if the latest erection pill was right for you," then it is time that you take your first step toward real health - toward living young naturally.